See our brand-new carts at NHS ConfedExpo!

Join us at the NHS ConfedExpo next week at Manchester Central. We’ll be on Stand A37!

The event aims to share learning and best practice, whilst also encouraging innovation, so we’re excited to partner with  Ctrl Robotics to showcase our innovative healthcare solutions, designed to solve your efficiency challenges.

We’ll be bringing our newest carts to the show, so attendees will be the first to see our brand-new range of carts! We can’t wait to show you the different features and innovations that we’ve incorporated into their designs, which were inspired by conversations with NHS clinicians.

NHS ConfedExpo 2024

What we'll be bringing to the show

To arrange a time for a demo at the show, email us with your preferred time/date:

What Ctrl Robotics will be showcasing

With rising equipment, supplies and staff costs, balancing the budget and providing effective healthcare is harder than ever before. Ctrl Robotics offers robotic fleet management for organisations around the world, including in healthcare settings.

See their robots in action at NHS ConfedExpo and find out more about their solutions at

Latest blogs

See our latest case studies, team updates and new products below. If you would like a case study at your hospital, please let the team know and we would be happy to feature it as well as do a video case study.

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We’re on hand to quickly give you pricing, more information or arrange a demonstration. If you would like a case study or video case study at your hospital let us know. 
Please contact us via the form below or pop onto our instant Live Chat service.
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