Baby Monitoring Cart
Enabling Mums to spend critical moments with their babies
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How it works
This innovative Computer Cart allows one device to be positioned in front or next to the baby, with another positioned next to the Mum’s bed – so she can see her baby. The solution came about from feedback from Mum’s who were disappointed that they couldn’t hold or see their baby after giving birth.
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The first moments of a lifetime
Many Mums may be too unwell or unable to see their babies at first in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This solution makes it possible for this to happen, it is not the same as being together but using the tablets mean that the Mums don’t feel like they are missing out on their first precious hours and days. The Baby Monitoring Cart has a simple hand-operated height adjustment so it can be used seated or from the patient bed.
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Ideal in many hospital areas
This Baby Monitoring Cart is excellent for infection control & security as the cables are concealed. It is ideal for use on neonatal intensive care units, maternity wards, private rooms and other areas of the hospital.
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Baby Monitoring Cart Accessories
This Mobile Cart can be configured with a wide range of accessories, including the following and many more.
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Configure your Cart with a scanner to enhance workflow.

Sharps bin
Mount a sharps bin to your Baby Monitoring Cart for infection prevention and control.

Keyboard mount
An ergonomic keyboard mount helps free up space, while improving individual user workflow and infection control.